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Explore & play with interactive UI design patterns and learn how to solve common UI problems.
Find a curated list of design patterns with fully interactive and downloadable examples.
Patterns are added regularly.

This is a spectacular resource. Must-have for anyone who has to dabble in UI/UX themeselves. It's all been done before, and Levi is doing a great job systematizing these patterns.
Jane Portman @uibreakfast

Great work @kovlex, I've been looking for a design website that broke down these patterns
into digestible chunks to grasp.
I look forward to more patterns.
Gabriel Lewis @gabriel__lewis
Forms | 11 patterns
Currency input
The user needs to enter a monetary value.
Date Input
The user needs to pick a date on a form or page.
Date range
The user wants to filter and look up information by a date.
Forgiving input format
The user needs to enter some data into a field and doesn’t want to worry about how the data is formatted.
Good defaults
The user wants to complete actions quickly.
Input validation
The user needs feedback about the correctness of the data.
Multiple value selection
The user needs to pick a single or multiple values from a range of available options.
Numeric values
The user needs to enter or pick a numeric value.
Password fields
The user needs to choose or enter a password.
Single value selection
The user needs to pick a single value from a list of available options.
Time Input
The user needs to enter a time or pick a time slot.
Data & content management | 6 patterns
Contextual actions
The user wants to operate on the data at hand without having to navigate to a different screen.
Continuous scrolling
The user wants a central place to view and interact with most or all content so they don’t have to waste time navigating between pages.
The user wants to mark content for easy access in the future.
Rating content
The user wants to rate and give feedback on content.
Reordering data
The user wants to manually order records in a list.
Segmenting data
The user needs to navigate and find records in a long list.
Guiding the user | 1 patterns
Layout & navigation | 3 patterns
User screens | 4 patterns
From your friends at Mobiscroll
Be thoughtful about your customers and the situations they are in.
Give them the best UI you can, tailored to their needs.
Context is important.
Levi Kovacs @kovlex
founder of Mobiscroll
What is UIPatterns.io?
UI design patterns are solutions to common design problems. They provide an overview of the problem and a number of solutions to solve it.
We have created UIPatterns.io to provide a point of reference for developers and designers when it comes to solving common design problems.
Each pattern comes with fully interactive examples, downloadable source code and can be used on mobile devices.
We have built the examples with Mobiscroll, altough it is not required to use
any specific framework or technology.
These principles are valid for both mobile web and native apps.
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